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Biological Pharmacy

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The small and specially pharmaceutical raw materials have a good export market

2012.12.12   08:24

According to the data statistics,from January to August in this year,the change of export structure of pharmaceutical chemicals is not so obvious.Among export products,Antibiotic,Vitamin,Amino acid,Organic acid,and biochemicals extracted from animal organs maintain the main part.

In the segmentation products,besides Vitamin and Antibiotic,Sweetener, Antiviral agent,Cardiovascular drugs,Perfumery and Hormone pharmaceutical chemicals reveal the advantages gradually.

In the aspect of output,the small and special products get the eye-catching attention.The year on year growth of output of pharmaceutical chemicals in this first half year:Planned parenthood and Hormone drugs 56.3%,Blood system drugs 38.7%,Anti tumor drugs 35.1%,Urinary system drugs 8.1%,Cardiovascular system drugs 7.1%.Among these products,many types have important impact to the exports,such as Lycopene,Small breed hormones,Coenzyme Q10,Sartan, Atorvastatin,La azoles pharmaceutical chemicals,Sterile powder preparation.

For the traditional products which appear the phenomenon of quantity grow without price grow.Part of products with the price in hundred millions dollors stay at the low price.Products which with obvious price drop including Unfractionated heparin,Raw materials of vitamin E,Erythromycin thiocyanate,etc.And products at low price including 6-APA,Amoxicillin,Paracetamol,etc.

By Ricky

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